Sunday, March 29, 2009

In the Shadow of Light

Southern Utah, originally uploaded by SoPhast.

Just north of St. George, UT is where I got lost...if only for a moment. Everyone should get lost in the desert. This here is Abbey country.

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Most of us lead lives of chaotic improvisation from day to day, bawling for peace while plunging grimly into fresh disorders.

Damp, humid green all over the place- gives the country an unhealthy look. I guess I really am a desert rat. The sound of all these verdant leafy things breathing and sweating and photosynthesizing around me all the time makes me nervous. Trees, I believe (in the ardor of my prejudice), like men, should be well spaced off from one another, not more than one to a square mile. Space and scarcity give us dignity. And liberty. And thereby beauty. -EA

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